..::19.08.2008 :: 20:00::..
Put me on the floor
Wrestle me around
Play wit me some more
Throw me on the bed
Let me wrap my thighs
All around your waist
Just a little taste
Know you like my curves
Camon and give me what I deserve
And touch my body

You can put me on you like a brand new white tee
I will hug your body tighter than my favorite jeans
I want you to caress me like a tropical breeze
And float away with you in a Caribbean sea...
Wiele sie zmienilo od ostatniej notki...heh w-s-z-y-s-t-k-o sie zmienilo! Czulam ze cos nadchodzi, dlatego dostawalam szalu z niecierpliwosci...powiem tyle: kocham Cie Misio:*